Women in Trial Travel Summit
2022 Speakers
Click HERE to see the complete list of speakers and read their bios.
This event was approved for 8 hours of general MCLE credits by the State Bar of California. To access the materials, CLICK HERE.

2022 Keynote Speaker:
Sarah Klein
Known as victim 125 in the case against Olympic trainer, Larry Nassar, Sarah Klein is an attorney with Manley, Stewart & Finaldi who fights for victims of sexual assault. Hear Sarah's harrowing story, and how she's used her experience to be an advociate for sexual abuse survivors everywhere.

The Women in Trial Travel Summit would like to thank our Title Sponsor, Verdict Videos!

Verdict Videos - Title Sponsor of the Women in Trial Travel Summit

Rosa Florentino of Quest Settlements - Beach Towel, Tote Bag, Mask and Lanyard Sponsor

Malyan Law - Brunch Flower Sponsor of the Women in Trial Travel Summit

Verdict Videos - Title Sponsor of the Women in Trial Travel Summit
Click HERE to see the complete list of sponsors