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Olivia Vizachero

A former lawyer turned life coach for lawyers.

Now why’s that so important?

It means I get it. It means I intimately understand what your life is like. Because I lived it. Which is why I’m uniquely qualified to help you.

Listen, I am not your therapist. That’s why you’ll LOVE working with me.

Because I understand the ins and outs of pretrial litigation. I know what an M&A closing requires of you. I know law firm life. I get the love/hate relationship everyone has with the billable hour. And entering your time.

I know what it takes to write a motion for summary judgment. How your firm’s compensation structure works. And what you need to do to make partner.

I get the struggle in-house lawyers face trying to find the middle ground between mitigating risk and running a profitable business.

I understand it all. Because I’m a lawyer. And my clients are lawyers.

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